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Welcome to my blog!! here you'll find personal blog entries as well as other stuff I find worth writing about. feel free to scroll down or use the navigation to the left to take a look around!
song diary #6
finally a new song diary! I wanted to record these songs last month, but I had my mic packed already for the move :P I've been playing more classical guitar lately and playing around with chords rather than trying to produce fully layered songs. The first song is basically 3 parts of other songs i wrote put together, the second one is recreated from a voice memo i recorded a year ago, and the last one is inspired by animal crossing music~
We're finally moved in!
it's felt like the busiest month of my life, but we've finally moved into our new house! We waited until the flooring and electrical work was complete to move all of our stuff, but we got a lot done in the meantime. Here's some updates!
The flooring has made a HUGE difference throughout the whole house and we're so happy about it! It's LVP and it made all the rooms look so much brighter and warmer; I'm suprised how much it looks and feels like wood being LVP. Here's the before & after photos!
We also did fancy tile for the bathrooms! We really liked the tile seeing after a single piece of it at the store, but I started getting worried how it'd actually look all together after ordering it. After installation, I think it looks great! I'll have to think of what countertops and colors will look good with it. I'm hoping to do paneling + wallpaper for the tiny bathroom!
We have these neat medicine cabinets original from the 70s in the bathrooms, but they were so rusty and dirty. I followed this medicine cabinet restoration tutorial I found and got amazing results! I can't believe what a difference it made - really looks and feels new. I love being able to keep and restore some of these older parts of the house.
We also finally have space for a dining table!! We found this beautiful solid wood pedalstool table on FB marketplace, and I think it fits our space so well! It came with two extra chairs and the original leaf for the table too. I love the intricate carvings on the chairs and table.
Next plans are to unpack everything and finally settle into the new house. It's all been exciting, but i've been yearning to work on my neocities site and other hobbies again! I want to record a song diary with acoustic guitar, and I'm hoping to finish up my roll of film in my agat 18k soon. I love being able to take 74 photos on a single roll of film but it takes a lot of patience :P I also want to go thifting for some funky frames to do collages in! I'll also probably share more on the house as we do more funishing and decorating as well~
I'll also open the WiiRing again soon :P I didn't think I'd be so busy right after the holidays, but I'm excited to work on the site again!
Our new home!!
My fiancée & I closed on our first home!! We've been so busy with the closing process, but we're finally about to move in! We loved this home ever since we saw the listing and were so worried if there'd be something wrong with it once we saw it in person, but it was amazing! It was built in the early 70s and has a lot of the orignal decor, and I think it has so much charm! I was going to wait until I replaced the flooring to share photos since we're getting it done soon, but I thought it'd be cool to see how different it'll look! The original flooring in the house looks good at first glance but the laminate is so damaged in some areas and it was DIY'd and not done very well. The carpeted rooms also have major dog smell and I can't wait to get rid of it lol.
here's the home reveal :D
i LOVE this kitchen, maybe my favorite part of the house

little dining room & living room with huge windows, wood paneling, and a fireplace <3
The main bedroom is two rooms converted into one and it's huge! The curtain is over the closet - we'll probably replace that with a accordion or sliding door? we'll also have to figure out what to do with all the space!
Theres two other bedrooms! I'm thinking the narrow room can be an office room and the bigger one can be crafts/hobby room? My financee and I have so many craft/art stuff between us lol
Very unique bathroom. I heard these are called banjo countertops and were a fad in the 70s. Since toliets were way smaller in the 70s, the previous owner had to saw through the countertop to fit the new one. I'll probably replace the countertop and sink eventually, but i love the cabinets that match the kitchen. We're also replacing the floor with patterned tile and i'm excited to see how different it'll look!
our backyard!! We don't have a HOA :D we're hoping to plant tons of native plants and wildflowers around the house! There's also already raised beds that we'll use for veggie gardening~ One problem is the previous owner planted trailing bamboo that's taking over the yard. I think the bamboo itself looks nice but it's not meant to here and is spreading like crazy! the root system is all connected together, and it's been so much work getting rid of it. On the bright side, we'll likely be done by early spring and have a clean slate to plant native plants!
I'll be sure to update once we have our new flooring and all of our stuff moved in! until then I'll be removing bamboo and painting the baseboards o.O
Song Diary #5
I made more songs! I'm going to try to do one of these each month since I've been on a streak for the last five months :P I'm playing guitar, bass, and midi drums in these songs. The first one's probably my favorite, and I think it would be really well suited for vocals with some small changes. I recorded most the second song in mid 2024, but I added the last bit recently to finish the song. It's way heavier than I usually ever play, but I came up with it as I was playing around with garageband's pedal effects and glide guitar technique. Not sure if I love or hate it, but it was fun to make lol. I made the third song most recently; I recorded the acoustic guitar part, and improvised over it on electric during new years.
I never know what to name these, and I never think about it until I'm about to upload them. Maybe I'll think of names for them later and update it :P
2024 Recap
Goodbye 2024! It's been an amazing year! In 2024, I've added the art, photobook, & pixels pages to my website. I got into collage art & painting earlier this year, and I've been having a lot of fun with it! I need to get back to it, but I've been playing a lot of music lately. I also got engaged over the summer! We're now actively searching for a home to buy together, and then we'll start planning the wedding after we buy the house <3 I'm anticipating 2025 to be a crazy year with the home search, moving into our home, & wedding planning, but I'm so excited for everything coming up! Especially to live in our new home and be able to fully make it our own!
2024 music
I've been feeling nostalgic & listening to a lot of the smiths :P I looove johnny marr's guitar playing and morrissey's songwriting together. I also listened to a lot of Cocteau Twins, The Cure, The Sundays, Ovlov, Cowgirl Clue, The Durutti Column, mbv, Elliott Smith, Laufey, The Beatles, Starcleaner Reunion this year.
I also started making more of an effort to create & record songs! I'd usually struggle getting things sounding right when recording and mixing, but I started to just finish songs anyways to not get hung up on small problems. I've learned so much more by doing this, and I'm hoping to record more layered songs on here soon! My first recorded song is Sunlight, and it's probably still my favorite so far.
2024 games
I didn't play near as many games as I did previously, but my most played game is Splatoon 3. I finally hit a point this year(after 1500+ hours of playtime :P) that I didn't want to play splatoon everyday. It's been a really long time since a game came out that I've liked so much, and I'm really hoping to hear a new nintendo console announcement along with splatoon 4 in 2025! Mario Party Jamboree came out this year, but I thought it was kind of disapointing - it's a step in the right direction, but the games just take WAY too long to finish.
I got into more hobbies this year & and I'm excited for all the plans coming up! I'll make sure to keep updating the site no matter how busy i get :P
Song Diary #4
More songs! Besides the 3rd song on bass, these are songs i wrote playing guitar in open G tuning~ I first tried out open chord tunings earlier this year, and I've been switching to it here and there since - it's a lot of fun! Sometimes i get stuck figuring out new things to play and switching tunings will help me think of new songs, and this tuning is especially easy to write songs with imo. i found out about it from slack key guitarists, but I found guitarists from a bunch of genres that use it when i looked it up. Enjoy!
Song Diary #3
Another song diary :P i've been playing guitar so much the past few months! I was looking for preset drum patterns since creating drum beats is so boring, and i found that the yamaha dd-55 has a bunch of cool muzak sounding preset patterns & songs. I was playing along with them and thought it’d be fun to record and make a full song out of - so i did! the first two songs here are me playing guitar(& some keyboard leads) to patterns & songs from the drum machine and the third song is a new song idea i came up with on classical guitar~
Song Diary #2
New song diary! these are all WIP songs i wrote around 2017-2018 and since I likely won’t finish any of these, I thought i might as well record them for a song diary! During this time, I was first getting into jazz guitar and was usually creating rhythm guitar parts to have friends solo over, so most these songs are mainly just chord progressions with fingerstyle arpeggios.
I had also bought my first midi keyboard during this time and I created a bunch of small songs as I was figuring things out. The song “ringtone (jazz)” is meant to sound like a preloaded jazz ringtone on a flip phone. I also created the “hip-hop (instrumental)” around the same time with my midi keyboard. not much to say about that one, but i love the drums, especially in the later half of the song :P
Lately I’ve been playing guitar a lot but not creating as much original stuff. I’ve been playing with another guitarist/drummer & vocalist/guitarist, and i’ve been more focused on learning new songs to play together~ I also finally got a mic stand that should allow me to record my classical guitar! I’m more confident in my skills playing classical over electric, so I’m excited to share it once I have some stuff ready!
Song Diary #1
I've haven't updated my site too much over the past few weeks since I've been playing guitar more, and I thought of an idea to share some of the music I've been playing! I usually don't record too much of my music or try to make full effort songs(i'm terrible at drums!!), but i'm always coming up with new things to play. What I'll be including in these "song diaries" is that, quick song ideas I've come up with! Most of these will be really minimal & more of a starting idea for songs rather than fully ready demos. I usualy take tons of takes which makes me not want to record as much too, so I'm keeping these down to two takes and accepting the small mistakes rather than taking a billion takes.
here's the first song diary, a bunch jeith originals on solo guitar :P i've been liking the direction my music has been taking, but i'm always wanting to change it up~
I originally wrote "buzzy bee(returning home)" on ukelele, and figured out how to play it on guitar later on. I think it sounds better on guitar but it's definitely harder play than it is on ukelele! The most recent song here is "sleeping" - I came up with this a month or so ago, and i'm hoping to add more to it to make it a full song. I hope you all like the music & i'll be including more of these as I come up with more song ideas!
I'm now engaged!!
my girlfriend fiancée & i have been together for over 5 years and we're now engaged! i proposed today & we’re now going out of town to a city we went to at the beginning of our relationship to celebrate :D

i love spending every day together and i can't imagine living without eachother! we have many mutual interests & hobbies and spend a majority of our time watching reality tv & playing nintendo games together :) we actually went to the same elementary school, but we didn’t officially meet until our 20s! crazy to think how we've known eachother our whole lives basically :0

i thought this would be a good opportunity to show off some of her hobbies! she makes very cool art & has the best animal crossing island ever
anyways, i'm so excited to spend our future together and all the things we'll get to do! :D i'll have to update the photobook with the pics i take on our trip once they're developed!!
2023 Recap
2023 is over! I want to do yearly blogs after each new year. I don’t exactly how I want to do this, but I was thinking I could go over my interests over the year & summarize everything else below. Here it is!
2023 music
I feel like I haven’t been seeking out as much new music as I have in past years, but I did listen to a lot of classical guitar music from brazil! My most listened to artist on Spotify was Luiz Bonfa(especially the solo in rio album), and my most listened to song was Sons de Carrilhões. I listen to a lot of music while working and I try to listen to music that’s not so distracting, so more passive music like this usually ends up in my top listened on Spotify. Besides classical guitar, I’ve been revisiting a lot of older music I grew up on like 60s pop & indie. jazz funk was also my top listened to genre of the year for the 3rd time in a row. My favorite songs that were new to me in 2023 are one way or the other - the fifth avenue band, garoto - luiz bonfa, a lover’s concerto - cilla black, Without Him - Triste Janero, and take me for example - macabre plaza.
2023 games
I’ve played a ton of splatoon 3 like last year :p i mainly play games on my switch, and nintendo did a recap of everything I played over the year! I got back into minecraft this year and started my own realm with my partner & friends! I would show it off, but that’s for another blog :P here’s the hours I spent on my switch this year:

Super Mario Wonder would probably be on here if it didn't come out late in the year, it's definitely my favorite game that's come out this year!
i think 2023 was a good year! I love where I live & work now, and I’ve had a lot more time to myself this year. My biggest accomplishment this year would have to be this website! I was really wanting a creative outlet before starting this website in February, and neocities really gave me that :) I really love the community on here and it’s really encouraged me to keep building on to the site. I excited to continue building onto it for another year and to keep blogging!
my new guitar!!
It's been 5 months since the first & only blog post!! I always knew this page would be the hardest for me to update since I'm not the best at blogging :P but I'd love to keep this more updated as I plan to keep this site up forever, and I would love to be revisit old memories in the future.
I never really talk about it on here, but I play guitar & a few other instruments! I want to eventually record some of my songs and share it on here, but recording and mixing is so hard for me. I also just need to get a new mic :p I mainly play fingerstyle songs on classical guitar, but I've gone through a lot of phases and can play a bunch of different stuff :)

I've been looking for a new classial guitar for a while, and I found this super nice one for $100!! The images of it were so low quality so I was a little worried about it's condition, but I drove out to storage unit and met the seller to see it. It ended up looking amazing in person besides being super dirty!
I cleaned the guitar, replaced the tuning machine & strings over the next week, and it sounds great! It was made in Japan in 1972 too - over 50 years old!! It has lots of scratches & scuffs as expected for an old guitar, but none of them are major enough to effect the sound in any way. I honestly love the scratches and think they give the guitar character :) Here's some pics I took while I was fixing it up!
the cedar on the guitar looks soooo pretty, and I love the decorative pattern on bridge & head. hopefully i'll be motivated to upgrade my mic next and record it soon! I'd love to share how it sounds :)
What inspired
My first blog entry!! I wanted my first entry to be about why I created and what inspired the design on it. I spent most my childhood on the web, especially from the years 2002 to 2012. My first memories on the internet are browsing through fansites hosted on geocities & Nabiscoworld & Nat Geo Kids.
Before smart phones, going online really felt like an event, like you were actually going somewhere. I remember being away from home and having anticipation to go back online to check all the forums & fansites I was visiting regularly. Since we now all have smart phones, this feeling is gone as we're always connected online, and web design has started becoming devoid of personality. Being here on neocities is me trying to get back to how the web used to be.
Most the design of this website is inspired by video game UI & geocities websites. The backgrounds on my website remind me alot of kirby, but they're all from Paper Mario 64 & Paper Mario TTYD UI. I took small screen shots from these menus:
and I made them part of the site's background after adjusting the colors & dithering them! The first three paper mario games were a big part of my childhood, so I wanted to include it in some way on the website.
Websites from my childhood are also a big inspiration behind the website's design. I really love the aesthestics of the old web, and I wanted to lean into the more whimsical side of it. Having repeated images for the background was a must, and the scrolling containers on my site are based on frames. Most other influences from the old web here are more obvious like the use of marquee tags, dithering, & gifs.
I'm really happy with how the website's looking so far, but things are always bound to change! I want to add many more pages, and I hope to build much more on the currently existing pages. It may be a while until I have any shrines ready, but I'll be including completely different designs for those too. Thanks everyone for visiting & making possible!
future blogs!
there's a few projects I'd like to blog about in the future. I haven't started most of these projects yet, but this includes:
more general life updates
hacking 3ds
softmodding wii
splatoon blog
minecraft server